Friday, August 22, 2014

Adjustments and Patience

So sorry for the blog post delay, my midterm for the summer class I'm currently taking at UCLA happened to be yesterday! I should have realized that before I promised to post every Wednesday... whoops.

Today I want to go into more detail of the beginning stages after being diagnosed with heart disease, since I know that is the hardest to deal with--for both families and the actual person diagnosed. I was lucky and my doctors/nurse practitioners were extremely informative, and my parents also did a lot of research during the first few months, but there are still some things I wish I would have known. Added to the fact that I was extremely fortunate to not experience as much of the normal symptoms, my experience wasn't as bad as it could have been but I would like to share as much as I know to try and help anyone who is looking for information or ways to support someone who is going through this drastic change in their life.

It seems that I never actually addressed this directly, but a big part of the reason I was constantly tired and had low energy levels throughout 8th grade/high school were because of my medications. It took a while for my body to get used to it and my doctors were constantly changing doses and adding/taking away medications when trying to deal with every new occurrence that happened or just trying to have the best treatment plan for me possible. As someone who just came out of a competitive sport, this aspect was definitely not something I expected/was ready for. This is why I cannot stress enough, please don't give in and crawl in bed, but try and fight the tiredness by taking a walk outside, maybe just for 15 minutes and then increasing it by increments the next day. Most of the time I was just too lazy to be active and if I tried harder in high school to train my body, eat healthier, and help make it stronger, I feel that I could have lessened the side-effects of my medications, as I do now in college.

Another thing that took me time to get used to was how it affected the people around me and how people responded to knowledge of my condition. There were a lot of questions from everyone, especially my friends on the swim team who obviously noticed that I have stopped swimming. As I've mentioned before, people at school asked me why I did not participate in P.E., and while I told majority of them, "I'm sick," I did tell some people, "I have heart disease." Of course, you can't expect much from 8th graders, but there were a couple of people who said, "wow, you're so lucky, you can skip out of P.E.!!" Actually, even to this day when some people learn about some of the accommodations I receive because of my disability, I get the occasional insensitive, "wow, so lucky!" NO, I am NOT lucky to have heart disease, did you actually think I asked for it?! I know now to not react to their ignorance, but in the beginning I was extremely bitter about my situation and it definitely did not help that people were actually wishing they were in my spot (figuratively). So I guess, please be aware you/your child will receive a lot of questions from people and will most likely receive some of these type of responses from people; and if you are someone who is looking for ways to support someone who has just been diagnosed, be as understanding and sympathetic as possible (and don't pity them!! I hated being pitied.. haha)

Another adjustment that I'd like for people to know is something that could either go one of two ways-- when the person who's just been diagnosed is always thinking "oh yeah, I can do that," or "no, I don't think I can do that." Of course, the second way is much safer and eliminates any possibility of danger or anything, it can also be extremely halting of living your life. I, unfortunately, fall into the category of "oh yeah, I can do that" and caused me to learn my lessons the hard way. Too often do I think that I can do everything else my friends can do, especially at my age where the last thing you want to do is be left out. Although my rock climbing experience is somewhat in the middle of the "oh yeah, I can do that" category, as I'm sure my parents and I really didn't expect me to not be able to do it because it wasn't legit rock climbing, just those fun, easy, pretend rock climbing things at amusement parks and such, my real experiences of thinking "oh yeah, I can do that" happened during college. For example, freshman year I went out to parties and may have had the teeniest sips of alcohol, not wanting to miss out on all the fun with my friends, and it was actually at a party that I had one of my cardiac arrests. Ever since freshman year, I have stayed away from alcohol or anything potentially toxic for my body. Of course, it always sucks being the only sober one at parties but I've gotten used to it and besides, as according to my sophomore year, I barely go to any parties anymore. I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though it might take a while to figure out all these new limitations to your life, please don't let it make you stay at home and be too scared to do anything, but of course, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Last but not least-- the future. When I was first diagnosed, I really didn't know what to expect for my future. During the first few months, since there was the possibility that my condition was acute, I thought I would be better after a year, but when I wasn't getting any better, that's when I didn't know how to react. I was never going to be able to complete my dream of becoming an Olympic swimmer, so what was in store for me? If I told my freshman year of high school-self that I would be attending UCLA right now, living my dream in LA, meeting all these celebrities at red carpet events and making amazing friends that I even went on a spring-break trip with, I wouldn't believe myself. There are so many happy stories out there for people with DCM, but there are also many sad stories. I think my best advice for that is to just focus on your own story. Surround yourself with support and love from family and friends, and make sure that you are receiving excellent care from doctors you trust and agree with.

On that note, I am going to end my blog post here but this Sunday I will be attending the red carpet-pre show of the Video Music Awards!! :) I will probably put out a blog post for that, so stay tuned! I'm so so so so excited, and one thing you should know about me is that I am obsessed with celebrities hahaha.


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